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My Dream House - La maison de mes rêves
J'apprends l'anglais avec Essie - Saison 1
🏡Et si, comme Essie l'imagine, tu pouvais avoir la maison de tes rêves ! 💭Serait-elle immense avec un grand jardin et... 8 chambres à coucher ??
La maison rêvée ! (texte en anglais)
Essie : Neko! Come on. Look at my new house1!
Neko : A new house? That’s great. So… Can you describe your house please? Is it a big2 house or a small house?
Essie : It’s a HUGE house! At the front of the house, there is a big garden.
Neko : Beautiful!
Essie : In the center, there is the kitchen3. Go straight on, there is the living room. You can sit down on the sofa and look through the window. But don’t go into room with the blue door4...
Neko : Why?
Essie : It’s the bathroom! And you don’t like water... On this side, there are the toilets!
Neko : Very useful...
Essie : On your left, the TV room. And behind the TV, there is a secret door… to go into secret room… In this room, there is a table and chairs for playing games! And here, there is the garage.
Neko : And how many floors are there?
Essie : Two. The ground floor5 and the first floor. The bedrooms are on the first floor.
Neko : How many bedrooms are there?
Essie : Eight! For all my friends and my parents.
Neko : Aaah bedrooms… with their soft beds...
Essie : So, this is my dream house. Do you like it?
Neko : I love it! Can i visit you often?
Essie : Nooo! Because you’re going to live with me!
Neko : Amazing! Let’s move! I want to go right now!
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Réalisateur : Ben Fligans
Auteur : Martin Mac Mouche
Producteur : Bayard Animation, Réseau Canopée
Année de copyright : 2023
Année de production : 2024
Année de diffusion : 2024
Publié le 11/03/24
Modifié le 11/03/24

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