Lorsque l’on veut exprimer le but, la raison, l’objectif : TO + Verbe ou FOR + nom (plus rare : FOR + verbe en -ING, lorsque l’on parle de l’usage d’un objet)
Peer pressure can lead people to change their behaviour (the ways they act). It’s essential to be surrounded by peers who accept you for who you are and enjoy being around you, even if you have a low self-esteem (if you lack confidence or feel badly about yourself).
Thanks to social media like Facebook or Instagram, we can keep in touch with our school friends, and family much more easily, even though they live far away. In addition, we get to meet new people that we wouldn’t have met in real life.
Long before the social medias, in 1938, the famous American film director Orson Welles read a part of the book The War of the Worlds (written by H.G Wells) on the radio, as if it was real news. Some people were terrified and really thought the USA was attacked by aliens!
Fake news or hoaxes are false news stories created to be shared online. It usually targets a public figure, a political movement or a company to damage its reputation. The misleading information is used to deceive and manipulate people. Misinformers make profits from online advertising.
A misleading information is the opposite of a truthful and reliable one. It’s critical to verify the source of the information to make sure it is honest, accurate, reliable and factual.
The first smart device was a phone. It was invented in 1992 by IBM and hit the market two years later. It was a huge success! Although it was not very compact, you could receive emails and faxes, and it even had a calendar! This invention sparked the beginning of digital telecommunication.
NEED TO exprime la nécessité de se protéger. NEED TO BE + Participe passé est la nécessité à la voix passive.
Gender equality is a principle that states men and women should be treated the same (at work, in family, in sports…). It claims that it’s illegal to discriminate people based on their sex. As of 2017, gender equality is a goal of the United Nations.
SHOULD et OUGHT TO servent tous deux à traduire soit un conseil, soit un degré de probabilité. En savoir plus sur l’intelligence artificielle et préparer l’épreuve de compréhension orale.
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Anglais : citoyenneté et mondes virtuels
Les outils numériques et les réseaux sociaux font partie intégrante de notre quotidien. Ils influencent notre rapport au monde et aux autres, comme indiqué dans cette vidéo de révisions. Mais quels sont les enjeux de cette révolution digitale ? Révise les notions et le vocabulaire autour de ce thème et vérifie ta maîtrise des modaux en grammaire avec ce quiz.