Scotland and England are two different countries, even if both are part of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain. Scottish people speak mostly English but some people use Gaelic as well!
Edinburgh is indeed the capital city of Scotland. Be careful with the spelling, in French it's "Edimbourg". Edinburgh is Scotland's second-most populous city and the seventh-most populous city in the United Kingdom.
The flag of Scotland is a white X-shaped cross, which represents the cross of the patron saint of Scotland, Saint Andrew, on a blue sky. The flag is called the Saltire or the Saint Andrew's Cross.
The thistle is a pink flower thats grows wild in the Highlands and it is Scotland’s national flower. The unicorn is also wild, and courageous and strong. The Scots adopted the mythical creature as its national animal.
There are more than 1,000 castles in Scotland. The legend says that some of them are haunted. The oldest castle is Castle Sween, the biggest is Floors Castle and the most visited is Edinburgh Castle.
A ghost is an apparition of a dead person. In many castles in Scotland there are stories of headless ghosts. We cannot prove these stories are real, but a lot of tourists love them and visit the castles for this reason! How scary!
Nessie is a legendary creature that lives in the water of Loch Ness. It has been described having a round body and a very long neck. It looks like a prehistoric dinosaur.
On utilise l'article A devant les mots qui commencent par un son consonne et AN devant les mots qui commencent pas un son voyelle. Imaginary, tout comme orange, amazing et bien d'autres commence par un son voyelle.
Nessie is an amazing and an interesting monster!
Pour dire que quelque chose est supérieur à tout le reste (le/la plus...) on utilise le superlatif. Pour les adjectifs d'une syllabe (ou deux terminés en -Y) on rajoute -EST (ex: Nessie is the strangest monster. Pour les autres, c'est: THE MOST + adjectif (It is the most famous monster).
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A la découverte de l'Ecosse
L'Ecosse est un pays magnifique, célèbre autant pour ses paysages que pour ses légendes. C'est pour cela que des millions de touristes s'y rendent chaque année. Entre les lacs, les châteaux et la magnifique ville d'Edimbourg, découvrir ce pays est la promesse d'un voyage merveilleux. En attendant, teste tes connaissances avec ce quiz !