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Anglais03:27Publié le 18/10/2021

Black Friday - Culture et connaissance en anglais

Let's go Lumni!

Le Black Friday, c'est la gigantesque opération commerciale des Etats-Unis du mois de novembre. Née dans les années 1950, elle est organisée le vendredi qui suit le jeudi de Thanksgiving. Black Friday, Black Saturday et Cyber Monday n'ont pas de secret pour Buddy.

Tout savoir sur les bons plans et les promotions de fin d'année

- Maéva : Hmm… Est-ce que je l’achète maintenant, ou est-ce que j’attends le Black Friday ?

- Buddy : Black Friday? Hey! That’s an American thing!

- Maéva : Euh, ça existe aussi en France, je te signale.

- Buddy : Yes, but in France it only started in 2013. In America, it’s been a tradition for decades!

- Maéva : By the way, why is it a Friday?

- Buddy : Because it’s the day after Thursday.

- Maéva : Ok, this is really helpful…

- Buddy : But not any Thursday. A very special Thursday...

- Maéva : Thanksgiving?

- Buddy : Well done! As you know, Thanksgiving is a very important day in the United States, celebrated with many parades in the streets. And the parade usually ends with the appearance of Santa Claus…

- Maéva : Yeah, that makes sense, since Thanksgiving is at the end of November, a month before Christmas.

- Buddy : That’s it ! The next major bank holiday following Thanksgiving is Christmas.

- Maéva : The next what?

- Buddy : The next major bank holiday. Un jour férié, si tu préfères.

- Maéva : Ah ok !

- Buddy : And usually people start buying gifts at this time of the year. So in a way, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

- Maéva : I see. Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, but it’s a bank holiday which means most shops are closed.

- Buddy : You’re right.

- Maéva : So the beginning of the shopping season is the following day : Friday! But why is it called Black?

- Buddy : Because it’s the busiest shopping day of the year. Cities are overcrowded, road traffic is very dense. Many stores offer great sales so everyone rushes to get the best deal.

- Maéva : Does that last only one day?

- Buddy : No, it’s just the beginning : it starts very early on Friday, sometimes as soon as midnight.

- Maéva : Do stores really open at midnight?

- Buddy : Yeah, I know it’s strange. And after Black Friday comes Black Saturday, of course, then it’s Sunday, stores are closed, then comes…

- Maéva : Black Monday?

- Buddy : No. Cyber Monday!

- Maéva : What’s that?

- Buddy : Many consumers, who were too busy to shop over the Thanksgiving weekend or did not find what they were looking for, shop online that Monday from home or work.

- Maéva : Eh, that’s a cool idea. So maybe I’ll wait for Cyber Monday to buy this item.

- Buddy : Do you know that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are only in 6 months ? Is the item you want so expensive?

- Maéva : It’s a cable for my phone. The price is 2 euros, but maybe I can get it for only one euro! Eh ouais, tu vois y a pas de petites économies !

Quelques mots de vocabulaire autour du Black Friday

  • Santa Claus : le Père Noël
  • Gifts : des cadeaux
  • A bank holiday : un jour férié
  • Overcrowded :  envahi par la foule
  • Road traffic : la circulation routière
  • Sales : les soldes
  • To rush to get the best deal : se précipiter pour faire la meilleure affaire

Retrouve tous les épisodes de Let's go Lumni! 

Réalisateur : Benjamin Valière

Producteur : France TV studio / Goldenia Studios

Année de copyright : 2021

Année de production : 2021

Année de diffusion : 2021

Publié le 18/10/21

Modifié le 12/01/24

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