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Anglais04:28Publié le 18/10/2021

The American dream - Culture et connaissance en anglais

Let's go Lumni!

N'importe qui, par son travail, son courage et sa détermination, peut réussir aux Etats-Unis. Une idée aussi vieille que la découverte du continent américain, le reflet de l'Eldorado et de la conquête de l'Ouest. Buddy explique à Maéva le « rêve américain »...

C'est quoi le rêve américain ?

- Maéva : Allez, plus que 12 jours avant le départ, le voyage… le rêve !

- Buddy : Le rêve américain tu veux dire? The American dream?

- Maéva : Wait… I know this phrase… I remember I saw it at school. It’s an old phrase, back from the 19th century...

- Buddy : At the time, European countries were ruled by kings or emperors. Society was divided into different categories that didn’t mix. Social evolution was very difficult. If you were born in the nobility, you would be rich and your life would be easy. If you were born a peasant, you wouldn’t be able to study, you would stay a peasant and live in difficult conditions.

- Maéva : That’s quite depressing. That means your life was written the day you were born...

- Buddy : Yes, and so a lot of people saw America like a whole new country full of possibilities. There was no king, no emperor, no nobility. It was a democracy, a place where everyone could succeed.

- Maéva : So if you came to America, you didn’t need to be rich or a member of the nobility, nobody cared about your origins, you just needed to work hard.

- Buddy : Work. Courage. Determination. These are the words that matter in America. That’s why it’s called « The land of opportunities ».

- Maéva : In America, if you want something, you can have it. If you work hard enough.

- Buddy : No matter your origins, no matter if you were born rich or poor, in the nobility or a peasant : in America you can take a fresh start and choose your fate. 

- Maéva : Your fate?

- Buddy : Your destiny, what you’re going to become. That’s the concept of the self-made man.

- Maéva : Is it someone who only succeeds thanks to his actions?

- Buddy : Exactly! A self-made man has no inherited fortune, no family connections he achieves his goals only through perseverance and hard work.

- Maéva : « HE achieves HIS goals »… « Self-made MAN »

- Buddy : Yeah of course Maéva, you can be a self-made WOMAN. Everyone can, that’s the point.

- Maéva : That’s better.

- Buddy : Picture this. You’re a poor european living in the 19th century, you are suffering from poverty and famine and someone tells you about a big country, across the sea, with unlimited natural ressources, where you can become rich and free. What do you do?

- Maéva : Well, I pack all my stuff here, and pop pop pop, and I go to America.

- Buddy : Of course you do. And that’s why a lot of Europeans, mostly Irish and Italian, went to America, creating what is called the American Melting Pot : a mix of different cultures, different origins, making the United-States a land of diversity.

- Maéva : I really like the idea.

- Buddy : Whoever you are, wherever you come from, America loves you, as long as you‘re here to work hard and make money!

- Maéva : Speaking of work, I should probably go to bed if I want to wake up tomorrow. Bonne nuit Buddy !

- Buddy : Bonne nuit Maéva ! Et fais de beaux rêves. De beaux rêves… américains ! Eh eh eh eh ! J’ai fait une blague !

Le rêve américain en quelques mots de vocabulaire

  • A phrase : une expression
  • The American Dream :  le rêve américain
  • The land of opportunities : le pays des opportunités
  • No matter your origins : peu importe tes origines
  • Poverty and famine : la pauvreté et la famine
  • Choose your fate or your destiny! : choisis ton destin !
  • Take a fresh start! : prends un nouveau départ !
  • Achieve your goals! : accomplis tes objectifs !

Retrouve tous les épisodes de Let's go Lumni! 

Réalisateur : Benjamin Valière

Producteur : France TV studio / Goldenia Studios

Année de copyright : 2021

Année de production : 2021

Année de diffusion : 2021

Publié le 18/10/21

Modifié le 12/01/24

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