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Anglais00:40Publié le 29/01/2019

Tom’s mini story - Dialogue en anglais

The Twins' Podcast

La drôle de mésaventure : Tom raconte (texte en anglais)

Tom: Ok, this is my story. One night last june, my friend Zach and I were working hard for a final exam… when someone rang the door bell… It was the police!

Rose: Tom! Is that it? You didn't give us any details!

Fiona: Oi! Was it funny? embarrassing? scary? We don't know anything…

Tom: Huh… ask me questions then!


La suite avec Tom's cross-examination et Tom's funny incident

Producteur : Éditions Didier

Année de copyright : 2014

Publié le 29/01/19

Modifié le 12/01/24

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