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Tom’s holiday - Dialogue en anglais
The Twins' PodcastTom raconte ses vacances de rêve à Los Angeles. Il a visité les studios de cinéma d'Hollywood et marché sur Sunset Boulevard.
Comment se sont passées les vacances de Tom ? (texte en anglais)
Jasmine:Hey! Nice shirt! You bought that in Los Angeles, didn't you?
Tom: Yeah! How did you guess?
Jasmine: Well, you only posted about two hundred photos online!
Tom: I know... It was sooo good! I really must tell you about my holidays! It was really exciting! And L.A. was brilliant!
Jasmine: Yeah. I saw the zillions and zillions of photos you posted.
Tom: And we visited Hollywood. The Movie Studios were so exciting. And I saw Shrek's star on the Walk of Fame!
Jasmine: Yes Tom, I know! And you were wearing that shirt!
Tom: Yeah. And we walked down Sunset Boulevard. I loved the palm trees - just like in the movies!
Jasmine: That's why you took twenty-three pictures of you standing next to a palm tree! I did wonder.
Tom: Yeah... But on the photos you can't see how hot it was! It was...
Jasmine: Over a hundred degrees. I know! You texted me!
Tom: One hundred degrees Fahrenheit, not Celsius! One hundred degrees Fahrenheit would be about 38 degrees Celsius. Yeah, it was so hot! Most days, we just went to the beach: three whole weeks swimming in the Pacific Ocean. Perfect dream holidays, really!
Producteur : Éditions Didier
Année de copyright : 2014
Année de production : 2014
Publié le 25/01/19
Modifié le 04/12/24
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