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Anglais01:21Publié le 25/01/2019

Job interviews - Introduction - Dialogue en anglais

The Twins' Podcast

Envie de partir travailler outre-Manche ? Découvrez les conseils des Twins' Podcast pour votre entretien d'embauche en anglais ! (texte en anglais)

Tom: Hi everyone! Today we're going to help all of you young people, find your first job!

Jasmine: You're between 16 and 22 years old and you're looking for your first job... in the British Isles! It really is the best way to improve your English.

Tom: And making a bit of money is always useful.

Jasmine: But most of you have never had a job interview before.

Tom: Don't worry, please. Let us introduce our very own job interview expert, Liam!

Liam: Hi everyone, I'm Liam O'Malley. I'm from Cork, Ireland.

Jasmine: So Liam, tell us why you're so good at job interviews.

Liam: Well, I got my first cat-sitting job at 12. Er... By the age of 14 I was dog-walking... Then I got lots of jobs in cafeterias, supermarkets, sports shops... museum shops...

Tom: Ok, we've got the picture, thank you.

Liam: Souvenir shops...

Tom: You've had dozens and dozens of job interviews, thank you very much!

Liam: That's it! And I've... usually been successful, well... mostly...

Jasmine : And that's why you are our job expert!  So let's do this!

Tom: Yeah!

Liam: Yeah!

Jasmine & Tom: It's... the Twins' Podcast!


The Twins' Podcast show us how a job interview takes place. With Liam, Jasmine and Tom play two scenes: how to fail and how to succeed a job interview!

Producteur : Éditions Didier

Année de copyright : 2014

Année de production : 2014

Publié le 25/01/19

Modifié le 04/12/24

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