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After the summer break - Introduction - Dialogue en anglais
The Twins' PodcastComment raconter ses vacances en anglais, les jumeaux font appel à leurs meilleurs amis américains pour les aider.
Les Twin's Podcast racontent leurs vacances ! (texte en anglais)
Jasmine: Hi everybody!
Tom: Welcome to the Twins' podcast!
Jasmine: So after the summer break,
Tom: what you absolutely need to know is...
Jasmine: how to talk about your holidays!
Tom: And that's what we're going to teach you now!
Jasmine: To help us out, we've invited my best American friend Stacey...
Stacey: Hi everybody, I'm from Springville, Alabama.
Tom: And my best American friend Kyle...
Kyle: Hi there! Remember me? I'm from Queens, New York City!
Jasmine: And our new friend Cheryl, who's just arrived in London!
Cheryl: Hi everybody... I'm from Barbados and I live in California...
Tom: Okay? Ready? Set?
Jasmine & Tom: Go! It's the Twins' Podcast!
Jasmine, Tom, Stacey and Kyle are comig back from holidays. Some of them enjoyed their vacations, some don't. Listen to their holidays stories.
Producteur : Éditions Didier
Année de copyright : 2014
Année de production : 2014
Publié le 25/01/19
Modifié le 26/04/23
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